I spent four years letting my “prostitute” archetype rule my life, trading my soul’s urge for a large bank account.
I worked in a broken system (the medical system), focused on profit and competition, engaging in sleazy salesmanship and “appeasing” stakeholders.
Determined to step out of the “single mother” income bracket, I said yes to financial incentives and financial security. I was exceptional at my job, profiting from people-pleasing, perfectionism, spiritually bypassing my intellectualized self-betrayal.
I was prostituting my worth.
Why did I do it?
Well… I justified it by being paid well, gaining respect, keeping up socially, making my parents proud, holding a title that others could “identify with,” and… it stroked my ego.
Then, a family tragedy happened… it shook me. I was drowning in my grief and it forced me to ask, “If I died today, would I be happy with what I’ve achieved in this lifetime?” The answer was a hard no.
There was magic in me I hadn’t expressed, my true gifts had been silent (or SILENCED), my potential unrealized, and my son was watching (seeing what I accepted and chose in life). I knew I had more to give, to help humanity in my OWN way, to reach the people I am here to serve.
My gifts are not for making the rich richer for the sake of it; my gifts are here for helping women Finding purpose with emotional intelligence
I walked away from my business, rejecting desperate last-minute lucrative offers (these coming in at the 11th hour). It was only now that my value was being perceived as “useful”… but these ridiculous offers were now insulting (not complimenting) as I was witnessing the conditioned reality of my prostitution; my soul was always up for sale… up to now.
I said NO
no to betraying myself
no to ignoring my inner calling
no to accepting money from a values-depleted industry
no to supporting a system that disempowers people.
No to giving away my daily energy “to keep up with the pack.”
I was sad, I was sick… and I was SICK OF MYSELF.
By walking away, I was saying yes
YES to me,
YES to my family
YES to my (true) friends
YES to my future clients
YES to accepting the why I am here.
I was saying YES to helping my son do the same thing when it's his turn. I was saying YES to valuing how we make money as more important than accumulating money itself.
I said yes to becoming my own inspiration, embracing motherhood as my service, and prioritizing health, wealth, and legacy.
And let me tell you how scared I was to do that!! I was petrified!!!! My digestive system loves to keep me occupied during times of stress! I am just like everyone else out there. I have a mortgage, a child to care for, bills, a family to nurture (especially after our tragedy), and here I was walking away from a very profitable business.
It didn’t make ANY sense… and then it made all the sense in the world to me and my soul (I was closing the back door to my soul that I was leaving open… to be bought and controlled).
I questioned this decision a LOT!
But I remember before I made the move to leave… I was watching people on socials do the thing that lights them up and wishing I was the one doing it. Doing something that I felt was making a difference in the world.
I saw mothers baking sourdough. I saw health practitioners craft their own health remedies for their patients.
I saw people talking about their spirituality and how showing up for others was also serving themselves and their people.
I saw mothers be able to stay at home when their kids were sick… I was jealous… I felt lost AND I knew something HAD to change.
But how was I going to do this? How was I going to step out of something that I knew and was trained in… into… into what?
A fixer-upper role?
An ideas person?
A soundboard?
A personal cheerleader?
A business strategist?
A health strategist?
A body reader?
A medical medium???
These were all the ideas (and more) that I considered.
All I knew was that I had to get to know me again. I had to know & identify my magic, create a business as a platform for my spiritual growth, decide to be vulnerable, AND trust… trust the universe had my back.
It became very VERY clear. I am to use my gifts of seeing potential in people and ideas and work with my people, by using my business, people, and holistic health skills to help these mothers thrive. I am to serve MY PEOPLE with my learnings, passions, and magic… Ta DA!
My path forward became clearer. And now I choose to create financial abundance for myself by supporting the people I am here to serve and help to their ideal of success.
These people have their own positive effect on their world because they too are choosing values over superficial worth. As we all grow in abundance, we then have more capacity to spread our magic even further.
I go to bed at night feeling content, at peace, and truly fulfilled. My magic won’t die silently within me. The world is receiving what I am here to give.
Because I have navigated my way out of my prostitution, my redemption is helping mothers navigate their own way to a balanced life, with health, wealth, and impact. This is how we get world peace, by finding our own first.